Because the 444 took the topic quite lightly, while even in their own sources (Forbes) there are more countries than in the article [(link)](, so I wrote an addition to it: ** Legal countries in the EU:** * Luxembourg * Malta * Germany **Decriminalized countries in the EU:** * Malta * Czech Republic * Austria * Belgium * Croatia * Finland – illegal, but in practice fines are usually imposed on the spot (no are charged, not a crime, just a violation) * France – same as in Finland * Italy * Netherlands * Portugal * Slovenia * Spain **Other European countries where decriminalized:** * Switzerland (decriminalized) * England – illegal, but in practice a verbal warning, or an on-the-spot fine is usually imposed for it **Worth mentioning:** * Legalized in 24 states of America, decriminalized in 7 states * **In Russia** max. The fine for possession of 6 g of cannabis or 2 g of hashish is 5,000 rubles (~20,000 HUF). * **In Hungary** imprisonment of up to 1-5 years for even the smallest amount (zero tolerance), but by undertaking 6 months of “medical therapy” (2 hours every 2 weeks) you can avoid prison, which can only be avoided once every 2 years – and they can also assault you also criminal costs, which can reach HUF 1 million. Is the “grass law” the strictest in the EU?! **Medical Cannabis:** I don’t want to go into this much because there is a lot to write about it, but a few things about article 444: The first is that it is legal for medical use in almost all European countries, and where it is not, it has been decriminalized – the practical realization of this is another matter. Only CBD is legal in Hungary, but it is not considered a medicine. Patients with tourette syndrome in Germany ([videĂł](, epileptics, chronic patients, and many other diseases have been able to use Sativex legally since 2017 – in the case of certain diseases, also in vaporized form, and in the form of medicine since 2011 even without a prescription. It has been used in several European countries for years – for example in England since 2018. You can find out more about medical cannabis in Hungarian at MOKE: []( In addition, it is important to mention that at the end of 2020, the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs changed the classification of cannabis on the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), recognizing its medicinal effectiveness. **Synthetic cannabinoids:** Almost everyone knows that these are legally available and can be much more dangerous than natural cannabis, since they can differ significantly in their mechanism of action and, unlike cannabis grown from the ground, can be overdosed, which can lead to cardiac arrest. Moreover, this is a serious problem in Hungary, which has worsened since the tightening of drug laws. Right now, something called HHC is spreading (it was introduced to me by fb ads). No one knows exactly what kind of analog you buy legally because they won’t check it in a lab. If someone has a child and they want to try it, there’s no way to stop them, and they won’t know what they’re getting. **Politics:** In Hungary, the solution could be decriminalization, as in many other countries, since it is not possible to ban synthetic cannabinoids, because even if 1 is banned, 3 new ones will come out in 2 weeks instead – moreover, these are only C-list regulations there is something that does not prohibit its use. Earlier, MKKP and now 2RK also dealt with the topic, but I see that the latter have no idea what they are talking about, apart from using the problem as a campaign. According to 2RK, these and all new psychoactive substances should be banned – good and how? Since the C-list does not prohibit consumption, but even if it did, some new analogs would come out in 2 weeks that would not be on the list. How would I check if it is a prohibited compound or not? – there are no tests for new and newer compounds. So it couldn’t be solved that way. The only solution is the decriminalization of weed, which would suppress not only synthetic cannabinoids, but also other new psychoactive substances. Plus, young people shouldn’t be afraid of being dragged and jailed just because they smoked 1 ‘cigarette’. In addition, in addition to industrial hemp, the cultivation of medical hemp could also be included in the list of varieties, which varieties contain less than 0.2% THC, while also having a very high (15-20%) CBD – this would make the production of CBD extract much cheaper , as currently only industrial hemp can be grown in the country that is included in the list of varieties and these max. they contain only 0.5% CBD. Sources: [\_of\_cannabis]( , [](, [](, [](, [](,[](,[\_en](,[](,[](üvezés_az_euban_444_lista_bővítés_oroszországban/

Posted by ptrk77


  1. Nem értem miért nem pattantak rá pont itt. A nemzethy coffeeshop mutyival hatalmasat akaszthatnának. Valószínűleg mivel a szavazóbázisuk zömét kitevő Teri Néni Bivalybasznádról nem igazán téríthető el a “dróg rósz” mentalitásról.