So, Fake Images of Trump With Black Voters Are a Thing Now And this is just the beginning.


  1. AmbitiousCampaign457 on

    A perfect example of how republicans think black people are too dumb to know better.

  2. It’s amazing how much more Human the AI-generated Trump looks. I could never see the real Trump read a book to a bunch of kids.

  3. i-have-a-kuato on

    Fine, make an AI photo of trump with putin,

    trump backstage at a beauty pageant,

    trump chilling out with porns stars,

    trump pointing and laughing at children after taking their money from a charity event,

    trump raking a forrest,

    trump comforting a group of very large men, big men, with tears in their eyes after they ran up to him and said “sir excuse me sir”

    Basically take all of trumps fantasy bs that he himself says out loud along with his real life behavior and send it to maga.

    maga loves their make believe world of a shirtless muscle bound trump riding a velociraptor so let’s snap them back to reality

  4. Important_Tell667 on

    Never ever, except what appears to be real, from Donald Trump… his entire existence, as well as his presidential campaign, has and will always be, based on HIS LIES
    Always expect his disinformation, and blatant lies to prevail in every aspect of his life.

  5. ChinaLovesMAGA on

    Sounds utterly inanely stupid, but the problem is that if all it does is peel some 0.x% of equally stupid voters in some battleground state, then this stunt would have more than done its job.

  6. FirefighterEnough859 on

    I like how trump is the most normal looking in the image solely due to how fake he looks in real life 

  7. I want to see the picture of him trying to stand up after sitting cross-legged on the floor. 🤣

  8. Is it because Trump is too racist to take real photos with black voters? Because, I dunno, that doesn’t seem too difficult to actually do.

  9. International_Mail44 on

    The watermark on the bottom right hand corner claims this is “Trump history” what kind of alternative facts shit is this?

  10. AeonFluxIncapacitaor on

    You know what isn’t fake and undeniable fact?

    Trump wants to fuck his own daughter.

  11. The fascists are also advertising on black radio stations.

    One ad begins with a young clueless sounding woman playing role of a flighty democratic pollster who assumes the older black male supports Biden but she’s just confirming he does. With his strong all knowing voice he explains to the stupid sounding girl, no he is not falling in line the way it’s taken for granted that he will. No. He supports a strong man who doesn’t put up with the old bs any more. He supports Trump.
    This is a radio station playing R&B and aligned with the BIN (Black Information Network) for news (another sketchy sounding corporate backed enterprise) and I Heart radio. All of it has an AI feel to it but it’s radio broadcasts.

  12. Why the distinction black voters are just people it seems racist to believe voters of any race belong to any political party.

    Please explain this thinking?

  13. Is it an AI image or paid stand ins? I’d love for the people in the photo to come forward and be like, this was photoshopped