Hi guys, I decided to buy one [robot de cozinha](https://www.bosch-home.pt/pt/product/robos-de-cozinha/robos-de-cozinha/robos-de-cozinha-serie-2/MUMS2EW30) so I have tried making several bread recipes and others. However, I would like your opinion about white brand flours (continente, auchan, etc…) vs Nacional, Espiga, etc… particularly for making bread. I leave below some recipes that I made with both Continente T65 Wheat flours: * Breads with chorizo, I replicated this one [receita](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkXeNbZHDxE) and I noticed that the dough rose very little. They were really massive. * Dog Buns: [receita](https://youtu.be/X6F0SXymF2k?si=ArQXbqi1sVHjFG84). In addition to the dough not growing at all, it was super sticky even after kneading by hand. They were also very massive. Nacional T65 Wheat: * Normal bread: [receita](https://youtu.be/yTJSTPTEVdc?si=JJb_v3h_o0fbx2d6). It was very similar to the video, it rose a lot, however it took 12 hours compared to the others above that were made on the same day. Prepared wholemeal bread (identical to [isto](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhWOtW1vpaxbj92FEHHFsfqQsVZ8blLPSz-j3wfmBEBdvELo-bFX3kFB_r_qYEC4uDYIWUbnNcVcGJHC_H8fV5yuMKjBR0SHh_d27IP3bOmEpL q7nO9HeRD5z2MROzPyEKeniSa10Q8gbc/s320/IMG_20160312_214601.jpg)): * I just replaced half of the flour in the recipe that was on the packaging with t65 wheat flour from the mainland . It took maybe 1-2 hours to ferment, it increased a lot in size. It was ok. Do you recommend always using branded flour? I would like to demystify whether in the end I will get a better product or not. If so, how much does it differ from white brands, both in terms of nutritional table, ingredients and the quality of the final product. I find it strange that in the recipes I made with white brand the dough didn’t rise. Maybe the problem isn’t in the flour. Could it have influenced the process as well? Any tips to help yeast? I have always put the water at a temperature between 30-40ºC and let it rise in the switched off oven, is that wrong? In all recipes I used dry (granular) baker’s yeast, with the exception of the prepared one.


Posted by britofilipe

1 Comment

  1. wall_splatter on

    Quando comprares farinhas, olha para a lista de ingredientes. Eu sei que parece óbvio, só deveria ter um ou dois no máximo, mas lê. Algumas acrescentam sal, por exemplo. E depois, claro, ter atenção se já são previamente com fermento