Lara Trump Peddles ‘Massive Fraud’ 2020 Election Claim in RNC Robocall – Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law spread his election fraud lies in a scripted call to voters’ phones


  1. vulcan_on_earth on

    > “We all know the problems. No photo IDs, unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls chock full of deceased people and non-citizens are just a few examples of the massive fraud that took place,” the pre-recorded message fear-mongered. “If Democrats have their way, your vote could be canceled out by someone who isn’t even an American citizen.”

    A degree in **Culinary** will allow you to **cook up your own facts!**

  2. You have no idea how effective this is for right around half the population. (the half that watches tv wrestling and believes what they see)

  3. Angry_Pterodactyl on

    She looks like she’s doing her best impression of Willem Dafoe in drag in Boondock Saints…*after* the wig fell off

  4. Ur_Moms_Honda on

    Hm. I’m starting to think these Trump folks are liars, and possibly dealing in fraud.

  5. They are campaigning to win votes from republicans, while apparently not noticing that they already have those votes.

    I guess they fired all the guys who pointed out that running on the stolen election lie doesn’t work.

  6. orcinyadders on

    Ok. I admit I didn’t read the article. Does the robo call end with her saying “patriots, we need your support now more than ever, or they will steal the election again.”?

    Let me guess. Did it also offer zero evidence or solutions? Was the answer to all reality *mone*y?

  7. __dilligaf__ on

    > Also among the committee’s new hires was Christina Bobb, an attorney who represented Trump in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case. Bobb, the RNC counsel on election integrity, authored the 2023 book Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story of the 2020 Election and What It Means for 2024.

    Election integrity? No way she can say that with a straight face. She must be laughing herself all the way to the bank.

  8. Can’t the DNC sue RNC over the lie? Kind of like how a company sued foxnews for letting election lies and blaming their voting machines, on their platform.

  9. Ok_Dragonfly9900 on

    How very RNC of them, do fraud by claiming fraud happened when it didn’t ..
    Other than the RNC doing anything it could dream up including multiple illegal acts trying anything to give power to the Mangonian candidate in 2020

  10. According to the playbook, dredging up the Dolchstoß („stab in the back“) should be next.

  11. What can you say about fools who still believe that a BILLIONAIRE, who held the highest office in the land at the time, couldn’t find EVEN ONE respected Republican law firm in the ENTIRE NATION to take on his claims of election fraud? Rudy Giuliani at the 4 Seasons Landscaping dept was the best he could do and you think he actually had a CASE?

  12. Three years later and they are still trying to serve up this warmed over crap. It’s not the own they think it is.

  13. time_drifter on

    If Lara said the sky was blue, I’d have to check for myself.

    I would never trust someone dumb enough to marry Eric Trump.

  14. What I don’t get if all this fraud took place. Why is it only democrats that do this. If it’s so easy to vote why aren’t republicans cheating too. Makes no sense

  15. Trump has told his followers, on at least one occasion, that they should not vote. It’s time for them to heed the call of their leader and not vote