Someone riped of my pride flag of our house and lit it on fire… :/

Posted by JaKami99


  1. Print out little rainbow stripes, cut them with a scissor, and pour them everywhere in the wind

  2. this is horrible i would call the police for hatecrime, i have 3 hanging in my window but from inside where they cant get hurt, hope you can afford a new one.

  3. Immediate-Ask-2597 on

    Welcome to Westphalia, This isn’t a state of “pride” and LGBT, If you really wanna do things like this go to the US, I’m sure they’re very welcoming.

  4. Holiday_Wasabi_8122 on

    Digga sollen die sich doch beruhigen. Wie als hätte man mit einer regenbogenflagge ihre blutlinie beleidigt.